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    • 產品名稱:OPTEM光學鏡頭

    • 產品型號:optem ZOOM125C光學鏡頭
    • 產品廠商:美國OPTEM
    • 產品文檔:
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    optem ZOOM125C光學鏡頭optem ZOOM125C光學鏡頭optem ZOOM125C光學鏡頭optem ZOOM125C光學鏡頭optem ZOOM125C光學鏡頭optem ZOOM125C光學鏡頭optem ZOOM125C光學鏡頭optem ZOOM125C光學鏡頭optem ZOOM125C光學鏡頭optem ZOOM125C光學鏡頭optem ZOOM125C光學鏡頭
    The Zoom 125C features a modular design, permitting application-specific system configuration by interchanging Function Modules below the zoom and a variety of TV Tubes and Accessories above the zoom. This interchangeability occurs with no special tooling and without affecting the performance and optical integrity of the system.

    To afford a more economical upgrade for our current customers, the Zoom 125C Optical System is compatible with all current Thales Optem Zoom 70XL Optical System. The accessories are incorporated above the zoom core, including TV Tubes, Reticle Projectors and Bayonet Adapters. However, due to the special optical design of the Zoom 125C, some accessories integrated below the zoom, such as Auxiliary Lenses and Objectives, are specific to the Zoom 125C.

    Every functional Zoom 125C system requires an Upper Module, a Function Module, and a TV Tube to locate the camera at the proper image distance.


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